Islam Karimov Foundation

Tatyana Karimova meets winners of the Karimov Foundation’s 2018 scholarship programme

Tashkent, 10 June: Tatyana Karimova meets winners of the Karimov Foundation’s 2018 scholarship programme Gulyuzbonu Ruziboyeva, Aleksandra Kim, Stеphania Abbasova and Muzaffar Maksumov at the exhibition featuring the life and work of the founding father of Uzbekistan’s independence and its first President Islam Karimov.
Mrs Karimova wished the young people every success in their studies and said she hoped they will use the knowledge and skills acquired at leading European universities for Uzbekistan’s progress and development.
Over the past eighteen months, the Karimov Foundation has awarded two-year scholarships for postgraduate studies in Europe to twenty-three young people from Uzbekistan.